劇情: 《巴比倫飯店第三季》是一部於2008年上映的,歐美劇,歐美電視劇由朱利安·辛普森執導,馬克思·比斯雷,德克斯特·弗萊徹,艾瑪·皮爾森主演。 在倫敦一個頂級五星級飯店,你隻要擁有金錢便可以實現任何願望。在這個紙醉金迷的世界裏,隻要一晚,你的夢想便可以實現!英國紳士、淑女的別樣生活將向你一一展示,他們的愛情,他們的家庭。揭示酒店浮華炫目外表背後的故事,帶您深入了解酒店不為人知的員工文化。故事主角可能是酒店的門童,也許是酒吧經理,每個人背後都有一段精彩故事…… 英國劇集《巴比倫飯店》由Imogen Edwards - Jones 暢銷小說改編,是BBC英國廣播公司的最新劇作,在英國開播時,其高收視瞬即打倒其他同時段節目,成為該時段收視冠軍,大結局更贏得574萬觀眾的支持,。在英國倫敦五星級酒店Hotel Babylon內,您可以體會到富貴人家紫醉金迷的生活,還可以一窺酒店員工殷勤服務和親切笑容背後工作的辛酸,甚至乎上賓貴客光怪陸離的人生百態。華麗的場景、幽默的對白、以及魅力逼人的演員陣容,都令劇集引人入勝,吸引觀眾追看。 Charlie introduces us to the world of Hotel Babylon - a world of fantasy and indulgence, where you can be whatever you want to be, provided you have the cash to pay for it. Charlie is interviewed by Rebecca for the job of Deputy Manager, but arch rival Anna emerges as a clever and formidable opponent. To prove his worth, Charlie must manipulate a world-famous rock band into spending as much money as possible - which is proving unusually tricky. A suspicious limo driver, Pete, adds to his worries, claiming to know Charlie - does he have something to conceal? Meanwhile, Rebecca is mysteriously hiding out at the hotel and someone clearly has it in for her.
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